
A Letter to My Inspiring Women

  The Strongest Women          First of all, in the spirit of women's day, I want to thanks all the women out there that still struggling to make the world a better place to live in. There are no words that can describe how strong and tough women are. To live in a world without women means to live in a world without care and miracle, so to appreciate one of the most strong women that I know since I was born to this world I dedicated this post to my dearest and lovely mom.          There are no word that can describe your caring touch     There are no doings that can repay yours to mine     Im very lucky to have you,      You strengthen me in the deepest darkest alley of my life     You support me  when I want to reach the stars     You're my idol and my hero.     Thank you for always fighting.                

Procedure Video Task

Hello! In this blog post, I'm will attach the link to my video procedure on youtube.  The video itself contains the steps about how to make table on HTML language programming.  I hope you find the video useful :).  Link Video Thank you so much!.

My Goal and Ambition

       Hello to all the amazing person that decide to spend your time to read this post, I hope you have a great day !!  In this post I will describe my goals or what i expected/imagine about my future, and maybe a little description about my passion,talent,and strength. Job and profession wannabe      To be honest, i actually still didn't know what i want to do, but i have a fragment of it on my mind. It's either to be a programmer, a doctor, a content creator, or a musician. I mean it's basically still an abstract idea and maybe it will change as long as i study as a high school student.  Each of those idea have a reason behind it. First, why did i want to be a programmer? well it's actually not limited to be just a programmer, maybe a game developer of some kind. I think programming or any skill that related to technologies will be very useful in the future. I believe our civilization will be a tech oriented, everything will be related to technologies and artificial

Offering and Suggestion Dialog

Heyy, welcome back to my blog. It's been a while since i posted anything on this web and now im back, and in this post i will write like a some sort of story with offering and suggestion word in it. I hope  you like it :) ________________________________________________________________________________ *On a clear sunny day, 5 moths after covid-19 quarantine start* *krinnggg...kringgg.....* The sound of Charlie's phone alam woke him up, "oh my god, it's morning already?" he proceeded to take a shower and eat the breakfast his mother had made. *The sound of Charlie's phone ringtone* The screen show the name "Kevin". Charlie : "Hello, What's up Kevin?" Kevin   : "What'sup?!?!?!? did you forget about the school extracurricular presentation today? the opening ceremony is already started like 5 minutes ago!" Kevin's voice ring some memory in Charlie's head Charlie : " oohhh.... yeahh, thanks for re

My experience about Social Distancing

Hey,welcome back to my blog. Before i continue Alert ❌❌❌ This post will actually just contain my gibberish about the social distancing event, some of you (like maybe 90% or even all of you) will find it boring to read. So feel free to leave anytime at all. And this post will include a lot of grammar or/and spell mistake. Today is Thursday (26th of March) and its already 11 days (approximately) since my school dismissed any kind of studying activities that took place in the public. So to catch up the lessons left behind. We have to study by only staying at home. On the first week we only get assignment that related to the COVID-19 virus. Like making infographic or poster, counting the speed of corona virus spread, just anything that related to corona virus.  Source In the first week i feel sick (not related to corona), maybe because i just get tired from..

The Haunting of 9/11 Disaster

Welcome back to my blog, in this post i will show you my group recount text about the haunting of 9/11 disaster. So what is the so called 9/11? 9/11 is a human made disaster that took a lot of victim. This disaster is caused by the Al-Qaeda terrorist group. For futher information just read the text below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 The September 11 attacks, usually called 9/11, were a series of four acts of terrorism that took place in the United States. The attacks happened on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. It resulted in thousands of deaths, including the perpetrators'. The attacks caused billions of dollars worth of infrastructural damage. The series of attacks were conducted by the 'Islamic' terrorist group, al-Qaeda. They hijacked a flying domestic aircraft and crashed it to the famous WTC tower. Besides that, there were two attacks in New York City, and one in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth attack failed and the plane crashed on a field in Pennsylvania