My experience about Social Distancing

Hey,welcome back to my blog.
Before i continue
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This post will actually just contain my gibberish about the social distancing event, some of you (like maybe 90% or even all of you) will find it boring to read. So feel free to leave anytime at all.
And this post will include a lot of grammar or/and spell mistake.

Today is Thursday (26th of March) and its already 11 days (approximately) since my school dismissed any kind of studying activities that took place in the public. So to catch up the lessons left behind. We have to study by only staying at home. On the first week we only get assignment that related to the COVID-19 virus. Like making infographic or poster, counting the speed of corona virus spread, just anything that related to corona virus.


In the first week i feel sick (not related to corona), maybe because i just get tired from... I don't even know why im sick. Its maybe because the routine like going to school stopped suddenly without any kind of alert or maybe its because i spent a lot of time starring at my handphones,tv, and my computer. Even like doing assignment and studying is done by looking at my handphones or my computer screen.  But im not really  blaming studying or the assignment that need to be done by looking at a gadget. Maybe its just me that getting addicted to scrolling my phone (this is really boosted the thing because i can't go outside and play with my friends).

And something that make me really amazed was the teacher  that stay consistent to teach their student by giving assignment on google classroom or even giving video tutorial to make their student truly understand. Not only that, the teachers also need to always check their phone in case of there are a student that late to submit the assignments and asking a question about the lesson they give.

And what makes me really concerned were there are medical staff that work 24/7 to handle the Corona virus. That's what heroes do. And amazingly there are people that still GO OUT FROM THEIR HOUSE even though there are no important occasion. Maybe they didn't realize how danger it is to go to public place in this moment.

And i hope you readers didn't do this, for the sake of you and other people around you.

I really hope that this outbreak/epidemic (i don't know what is the difference) will end soon. Because i miss my school (not really the lesson) but the environment and the friends around me that make me miss it.

And that was my gibberish about the event that occured at this moment, and i really hope you guys just stayed at home. And be safe :)

If you made it this far , congratulations and thank youy for staying, i hope its not that boring.

Thank you for reading, bye byeeee.


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