My Goal and Ambition


    Hello to all the amazing person that decide to spend your time to read this post, I hope you have a great day !!  In this post I will describe my goals or what i expected/imagine about my future, and maybe a little description about my passion,talent,and strength.

Job and profession wannabe 

    To be honest, i actually still didn't know what i want to do, but i have a fragment of it on my mind. It's either to be a programmer, a doctor, a content creator, or a musician. I mean it's basically still an abstract idea and maybe it will change as long as i study as a high school student. Each of those idea have a reason behind it. First, why did i want to be a programmer? well it's actually not limited to be just a programmer, maybe a game developer of some kind. I think programming or any skill that related to technologies will be very useful in the future. I believe our civilization will be a tech oriented, everything will be related to technologies and artificial intelligence. So,from what i imagined about human kind future civilization is that the programming profession will be very useful and will be  one of many skill that required to have an easy life (if human race still exist). Then how about the game developer one? I have a dream to build my own dream game,  just from imagining to have people played it and entertained by it makes me happy. 

    The second one is the doctor one, well there's a simple reason behind it. I think being a doctor is a really noble job, helping other people that in need is really something for me.  The downside to this job is, it required a lot of memorizing skill and a lot of  time to practice to master which can be overwhelming for people. Now, the third one , why i want to be a content creator? I think this profession will be a joyous and enjoyable one, because sometime i think myself as a vlogger or a sketch writer , maybe a youtube animator? But this profession will need a lot of patience and a creative mindset which i don't have :( 

    The last but not least is the musician one, why? i think being a musician will be a happy and adventurous path to be in. and i have a passion towards it. I have a guitar and im currently learning and working on it, but im not so sure about my voice though. My voice is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from good, but maybe autotune technology will be a solution for me.

    How about talent? do you have something on your mind?

    I think i dont really have a talent, maybe i have but it's currently still undiscovered . From what i know i will be a passionate and fast learner if i really attracted to the subject. 

   Then what about your effort?

    Im currently have a hard time learning at school because of this pandemic/epidemic thing that still going on, online school is really taking a toll on me. It's makes me unfocus and became more un-oriented about my academic skill. But from what i know, im doing my best about it. I'm still passionate about learning things and still have a motivation towards it. I hope that's enough to achieve my dreams. Because from what i understand the meaning of success doesn't mean to be a doctor , a programmer, a famous artist, or even to be a millionaire. The true meaning of success for me is to be a important person to someone life or to be someone that can bring changes to those around me. 

and that's all about my goal and ambition, thank you for those who choose to spend their time to read my post. and thanks to this task im become more aware about my goal and ambition.

Once again thank youuu and goood byeee.



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