

 Peneliti Akhirnya Ungkap Alasan Perbedaan Tampilan Aurora di Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan

I'm sure everyone knows about this natural phenomenon, it's commonly happened in earth pole (earth magnetic pole). Yep, its an aurora, according to me this phenomenon is really beautiful, the light show decorate the night sky with a little white spot from the star behind it, it's really amazing to think about it. 

but did you know how aurora is created? It's all started from the sun, the sun as a place of thermonuclear fusion reaction will produce a large amount of energy, then this energy will be distributed to the surface of the sun by a convection flow. This large distributed energy on the surface of the sun will form a formation of a strong magnetic field that resulting in a darker area than the surrounding of it. This dark freckle is called sunspot. However, this sunspot is like a water dam that can be easily destroyed if  exposed too much energy from the fusion reaction. 

If this sunspot break, the sunspot will not able to accommodate the energy that is generated again. So some energy will detached in a form of electron or a proton. The detached energy is called a solar wind, this solar wind will move towards the planet earth. But, the earth also has a magnetic field called (Magnetosphere). The Magnetosphere will protect the earth from a direct exposure of this energy. But this solar wind will be attracted to the poles of the earth because it has a great magnet energy. Well, the friction that occurs between the solar wind and the atmosphere will result in a reaction between ions and atoms in the atmosphere resulting in a beautiful and interesting blend of color. 


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